


Filming weddings, we see all sorts of creative ideas. Confetti has long time been a feature of wedding celebrations the world over.Upon recent Facebook scanning, I stumbled across this fantastic idea from Ben's Bees.The original Facebook Post resides at: you’re getting married soon, you can make your...


Planning a wedding

Perfect planning prevents poor performance! We have all heard the saying - which takes a few forms, often using a few 'other' words - but how much do we follow the advice? Those of you getting married - how many of you have enlisted the service of a quality, experienced, insightful wedding...


This is a stardard post with preview image

Quisque elementum nibh at dolor pellentesque, a eleifend libero pharetra. Mauris neque felis, volutpat nec ullamcorper eget, sagittis vel enim. Nam sit amet ante egestas, gravida tellus vitae, semper eros. Nullam mattis mi at metus egestas, in porttitor lectus sodales. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Voluptate laborum...


Etiam laoreet sem eget eros rhoncus

Quisque elementum nibh at dolor pellentesque, a eleifend libero pharetra. Mauris neque felis, volutpat nec ullamcorper eget, sagittis vel enim. Nam sit amet ante egestas, gravida tellus vitae, semper eros. Nullam mattis mi at metus egestas, in porttitor lectus sodales. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Voluptate laborum...


Etiam laoreet sem eget eros rhoncus

Quisque elementum nibh at dolor pellentesque, a eleifend libero pharetra. Mauris neque felis, volutpat nec ullamcorper eget, sagittis vel enim. Nam sit amet ante egestas, gravida tellus vitae, semper eros. Nullam mattis mi at metus egestas, in porttitor lectus sodales. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Voluptate laborum...


Audio Format

Does audio format matter? Who can tell the difference? We get asked this a lot. We all know the adage - "Garbage In = Garbage Out"... Whether it be food, words, movies, or computer programming - it's true! When it comes to audio for the purpose of video productions,...


It’s all about BALANCE

Life is about balance. There are times when we each have things in balance. There are times when we each struggle to maintain balance. Artisan Media has been a hobby for the past few years. During this time, more recently, we have struggled to maintain the balance -...